Lama Lakshey Zangpo currently provides meditation instruction on Sunday mornings (twice monthly), one Saturday a month, and on select Wednesday nights depending on the scheduled Wed Night Series. Please visit the calendar for more details including specific dates and how to join.
The Wednesday night series is offered in cycles. These teachings are open to all and cover a variety of meditation topics. To view the current or upcoming series, please check the calendar for dates and topic. The format of the Wednesday Night series facilitates a deeper dive into specific dharma subjects and each week builds on the last in knowledge and instruction.
Sunday teachings are ongoing and consist of one hour of traditional Buddhist meditation practice followed by an hour of meditation teaching and instruction. Sundays are hybrid, in-person at the TMC retreat center and also online via zoom.
Several times a year TMC hosts in-person meditation retreats and information and dates for these events can also be found on the calendar.
Twice Monthly
9:00 to 10:00 am PT ~ Meditation and Instruction
10:00 to 11:00 am PT ~ Teaching and Instruction (with occasional optional Q&A)
Please visit the calendar for details as to how to join in person.
Current Series Topics:
Running 9/4 thru 10/16
Past Series Topics:
Dream Yoga
The Heart of Transcendent Perfection of Wisdom
Bringing Happiness & Suffering on the Path to Enlightenment
Shamatha & Vipassana
The 37 Bodhisattva Practices
Mailing Address:
Tsinta Mani Choling
P.O. Box 7254
Santa Cruz, 95061