Prayers are an essential part of Buddhist practice. Traditionally, one would make an offering in connection with a prayer request. We are so thankful to Adzom Monastery for accepting our prayer requests on behalf of our Tsinta Mani Choling community.
Any amount that you offer for prayer requests to Tsinta Mani Choling will be sent directly to Adzom Monastery in Pharping, Nepal. It is considered helpful to send prayers to those who are sick, struggling (financially, emotionally, physically) or a deceased loved one, including your pets.
The merit of these practices is dedicated to benefiting all sentient beings. Offering these prayers for others is also good for our merit and that person who is in need of the prayers.
Please know that the prayer offering to Adzom Monastery is not tax deductible
To learn more about Adzom Monastery:
Please fill in the details below to sponsor your prayers for loved ones.
Please note that in order for your full donation to go to the monastery, you will need to add the transaction fee to your donation of 2.9% & also $0.30.
If you prefer to send a check for your request, please write "Sponsor Prayers" in the memo. The address to send your check to is:
Tsinta Mani Choling
PO Box 7254
Santa Cruz, CA 95061
Mailing Address:
Tsinta Mani Choling
P.O. Box 7254
Santa Cruz, 95061